The Motley Crew...
Anita Mantoya
1st Mate
a.k.a "The Black Widow"
Blackjacks 'n Blarney
"Married twelve times... And looking for lucky thirteen!"
Maria V. Arnold
(Recorder, Tinwhistle and Vocals)
Maria has been involved with music since elementary school in Upstate NY, where she currently resides, starting with the alto saxophone and school choir in third grade. Throughout high school and college, she was always a member of one or more music groups, be it concert band, jazz band, marching band, pep band, wind ensemble, concert choir, swing choir, or an acapella group. Maria's need for a musical outlet even prompted her to join a Bach choir while living in Germany, without speaking a word of the language! She is also a classically trained opera singer, having taken lessons for several years and performed Mozert's Requiem as a choir member at Carnegie Hall. Maria's love of renaissance faires and her desire to be more than just a patron brought her to both Letter of Marque, (in Baltimore, MD) and Blackjacks 'n Blarney.