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The Motley Crew...

Liathróidí (Giy-RO-tee)

Ship's Cannoner

a.k.a. "The Welsh BOOM!"

Blackjacks 'n Blarney

"Tis always a fine thing to let me balls loose!"


Michael Benjamin
(Vocals and Percussion)

The newest member of Blackjacks 'n Blarney, Mike has performed in various acting and musical venues since he was six years old. He thoroughly enjoys playing the narrator, sidekick or villain in many of his performances. His favorite role was playing the Professor in the show "English Made Simple", a comedy that seeks to unravel the truth beyond what is really being said between two people. Michael has performed with numerous choirs and bands throughout Delaware since graduating college, and has sung at the inauguration of the past two Delaware governors.

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